Monday, June 24, 2019

All About Me

Hi my name is Sisiliah and I am 9 years old. I go to Christ the King Catholic  School and I am in Room 2. I am a year four girl. I have two brothers and one sister. I also I have a Mum and Dad. My country is called Mate Ma’a Tonga and in my country I feel more happier there than in New Zealand. My favourite thing tis playing rugby because it is my favourite sport. My favourite subjects are reading art maths R.E, P.E. and Inquiry.

I am good at P.E and art. I enjoy playing touch with my best friends. My challenges are to study hard and get a great education. My goals for this year are to be a good person and to stay on task. My friends are Deevon, Melody, Jenesys, Ken, Jia and Zean.

I am good at P.E and art. I enjoy playing touch with my best friends. My challenges are to study hard and get a great education. My goals for this year are to be a good person and to stay on task. My friends are Deevon, Melody, Jenesys, Ken, Jia and Zean.